Just watched "Books Banned from the Bible" on the history channel. the biblical scholars, and college professor interviewed believes that writings of individuals during the era of Christ, the appstles, and contemporaries with equal value and credibility were banned from the bible by the group of individuals who decided what would and would not be included in the "Cannon" of scripture. This is a very interesting position because they are apparently saying that some of the message that God wanted to share with the world may have been missed because of the decision of these individuals. We may not even have whaat God wished to realy based on the books included in our curent Bible. I really don't believe this is true because I am sure God would never rely on mere sinful man to ensure that his message with reach the ears and hearts of people all over the world. If part of his message has escaped us then it is completely up to Him to feel these gaps. It is amazing how most people love to be in a "state of gray" when it comes to truth. Most people don't believe in Hell, but can't be too sure that it doesn't exist. Most people don't believe in an afterlife in heaven based on faith in the finished work of Christ, but aren't sure what happens after death. Most people believe if they live a fairly good, moral, ethical life (they have done more good than bad) that they will escape Hell, but they aren't entirely sure that this is the case, but reallyaren' too concerned with this regardless of the facts. They are willing to just "wait and see" after they die. None of these facts come to any surprise for me... I thought exactly as they prior to taking the Bible seriously and reading it for myself. Not only reading it, though.... studying it and learning the TRUTH of the scripture and not just taking anyone's word, alone. I encourage all lto do the same and not choose contentment in a "state of gray" - no absolute truth or lies, just personal opinions, tolerance, questions, considerations, etc. No one feels they have the right to say what is and what is not true because no one really knows and so they would rather choose tolerance and not offend anyone. The appostles, and even Jesus Christ did offend many, but not because they were saying things that didn't need to be stated. They were showing the most important information of all time, but offended many for proclaiming it. Christians experience the same today, but we must proclaim the truth and help people move out of this VERY dangerous - "state of gray" and come into the light of the TRUTH!!! As the bible clearly states in 2 Timothy 3:16 - 16 Every Scripture is God-breathed (given by His inspiration) and profitable for instruction, for reproof and conviction of sin, for correction of error and discipline in obedience, [and] for training in righteousness (in holy living, in conformity to God’s will in thought, purpose, and action),
This is Truth!! God and God alone is responsible for the completeness and correctness of the message that He wishes to convey to the world. You cann rest assured He has done an Excellent Job! He has conveyed to all through scripture how much he Hates Sin and will no tolerate it in His presence. He has made it clear that or sinfulness seperates us from Himself and a pursuit of moral, ethical, good living doesn nothing for our sinful heart condition. He is informed of us of our desperate need for a Savior to escape the fate of our enemy the Devl. Hell afterall was created for Satan and his angels who rebelled against God and chose to follow their own ways instead of submitting to His will. Apart from Faith in the Finished Work of Jesus Christ on the Cross and Believe in His resurrection and offer of abundant FREE life, we will share the same fate of Satan and His Angels. Righteousness CANNOT be eanred it can only be "imputed" based on faith when it comes to requirement for salvation - access to the presence of Holy God. People trying to live moral ethichal lives is like buying a new suit to hide dirt and filth instead of taking a bath. We need to be cleansed on the inside (our despreately wicked hearts) and not on the outside!!! Sin condemns, Faith gives life....
Choose Faith in Christ while you can because you aren' promised tomorrow and you could Suddenly find youself in the presence of God. Hopefully you will be covered by the acts of Son when this happens, because no works on your part will benefit you at that time.
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