Sunday, October 19, 2014

Is God Realy Unfair?

I am sure you have uttered or heard these common phrases - “That’s unfair?”, “why is God allowing this to happen?”, “Why did God remove this (person, thing, experience) from ______ or add that (person, thing, experience_____ into my life?”, “Why didn’t God answer my earnest, sincere, request (prayer)?”. These and other questions have been asked ever since mankind has existed on earth and will continue to be asked as long as mankind is on the earth. These questions amaze me (even though I too am guilty of sharing/feeling these sentiments). I wonder how many people ask themselves –“What is the will of God for my life?” or “What is the will of God in the lives of the people that I love?” or “What is the will of God for the people that I am acquainted with – (have hurt me, benefitted me, hated me, felt hatred from me, have done good or bad to people I know, love, etc.)? What is God’s will for me as opposed to others? Is God’s will different for me than for others? Is God’s will different for those who “love” him as opposed to those who “hate” him?
The fact is that God’s Eternal, Sovereign, Perfect will has been determined prior to the creation of the world and the creation of mankind. God has decreed in accordance with His Omnipotence, Omnipresence, Omniscience, Holiness, and Eternal, Righteous, Just, Loving nature - the will for every person that is privileged to be part of mankind from it’s origin (when the first person of mankind breathed his first breath) till the appointed time when the last person of mankind breathes his/her last breath on earth. Can you imagine if God were Omnipotent, but not omniscient? , Holy, but not Eternal? Loving, but not Omnipresent (Ubiquitous)? If God did not possess all of his characteristics from eternity to eternity how could he be defined as a Sovereign Being? Many people believe that God isn’t sovereign -that there are things that he desires to happen, but doesn’t have the ability to cause them to happen or that there are things he would like to prevent but doesn’t have the power to do so. These beliefs are not grounded in Truth but are believed based on personal experiences that occurred (or didn’t occur) in the lives of people.
Imagine for a second that God appeared to you and presented you with a book, The Sovereign Book of Life that describes in specific, exact detail , the lives of every person of mankind from their origin until their end. All the happenings of all the people you know or don’t know, love or hate, are part of your immediate and extended family and of course all of the events, experiences, etc. of your life are also included in this book. What if he allowed you the opportunity to change anything that you saw fit in the lives of strangers, people you know, love, and even events in your own life – would you change anything? Would you add something to this book or remove something from this book - from the lives of anyone including your own? Would you attempt to improve on the Sovereign, Holy, Loving, Eternal plans of God based on his omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence? Do we believe we know more than Him? Are we able to improve His Sovereign plans for all of mankind? We could change the quality and condition of our lives or the lives of others from a temporal perspective, but have no idea how that would affect our lives or theirs from an eternal perspective. What impact, consequence, results would these potential changes have 1000 years from now? We are not able to look into the future of the lives of anyone. We don’t know the outcome, effects or consequences of experiences or life events especially from a long-term perspective. We are short-sighted and are primarily concerned with the temporary as opposed to the eternal. Everyone is attempting to maximize the temporary aspects of their lives as if this is all there is. Everyone would like to live a life in which happiness, pleasure, and joy is maximized and pain, suffering, struggle, hardship, and difficulty is minimized. Why would anyone choose to trade pleasure for pain, prosperity for poverty, things present for things absent, possessions for opportunities? If this is all there is we want to maximize all the good things in our lives and minimize or rid ourselves of all things bad, but to what end, for what purpose, goal or objective? Is it our desire to merely occupy space, acquire possessions, indulge our every desire or want, maintain our temporal relationships for as long as possible, seek after power, popularity, prominence, and possessions for as long as we possibly can while on earth? Why do we also desire this for all of the people we love? If this were all there was, this would make complete sense. But what if God has a Sovereign, Eternal, Holy plan that is different from ours? - Plans that focus on eternal benefits and blessings as opposed to temporal ones. Most people believe that if they made a certain amount of money from a job that they loved, secured the love of a certain person (and had a healthy relationship with), lived in a particular house, furnished in a desirable manner, with a number of exotic cars and a number of manageable, productive children, with no one ever getting sick or hurt, alongside kind, generous neighbors, etc. that they would be happy and the goal would be to maintain this happiness for as long as possible. If anything happened to disrupt it or alter the conditions or quality of it, we would deem these things “unfair”, “undesired” or “unwarranted”. But is this the will of God for people? God’s will is that you spend eternity with Him enjoying all that He is and all that He has for all of eternity. If you had the ability to do so, would you feed your child anything and everything they ask for and not withhold anything from them? If you were given the Sovereign Book of Life from God and noticed that your life, the lives of those you love, the lives of those you hate, the lives of those who hate you did not have the attributes and experiences that you would prefer. You notice that there is not enough good and too much bad in your life and the lives of the people you love and too much good and not enough bad in the lives of the people that you hate and the lives of those who hate you. Would you change anything? Would you increase/decrease the life span of anyone, increase/decrease the possessions, popularity, prominence, experiences, challenges, difficulties, sicknesses, tragedies, hardships, pains, sufferings, pleasures, joys, indulgences, happy/joyful experiences ordained for anyone, everyone including yourself? We all are guilty of pointing our fingers or fist up to the air demanding that God do something, prevent something, maintain something in the lives of others or in our own lives, but do we fully understand the implications of these requests? Do we really expect God to change his Eternal, Sovereign, Perfect will for our lives and the lives of mankind in general to satisfy our fickle, fleeting, short-sighted, desires and wants? What if we wanted something to occur in our life (or the life of someone else) and this thing actually occurred, but once it occurred and you were allowed to experience it, you or they realized it was not at all what you or they expected in fact you realized that you actually don’t want this thing and would actually like it removed from your life. We desire things because we think, believe, have convinced ourselves or have been convinced by others that the outcome, results, benefits of these things will be beneficial to us, but we don’t know if this will actually be the case. We buy-in to these thoughts and begin to figure out ways to manifest them in our lives. Since we believe or have convinced ourselves that the ends justify the means, we have no problem becoming treacherous, vindictive, manipulative, dishonest, or selfish in order to acquire, maintain, or prevent undesirable experiences in our lives and the lives of others. But to what end? No life no matter what it includes or doesn’t include will be able to satisfy us or anyone else for that matter. We all possess natures that are never satisfied or content. We all will always desire more of what have already attained and also the things, etc. we hope to gain. Imagine a hole of a certain width and depth, but once you attempt to fill, both the width and depth increases as it is filled. This hole will never be filled because it will always make room for whatever is attempting to fill it. It will never be completely filled. This is a great picture of our insatiable and unquenchable nature. We all have an unquenchable thirst for more and different things, experiences, etc. This nature will never be appeased no matter what you do to satisfy it.
God has placed “eternity” in our hearts and we won’t be satisfied with nothing and no one else. We have all been deceived and blinded into thinking and believing that things or people on earth will satisfy us. This is not the case. No matter what life we live we will always desire something else. Hopefully, one day we will realize and recognize that what we truly are longing for is a relationship with God. We desire for God to love us, accept us, forgive us, and desire us as we are and not look down on us, expect unreasonable things from us, or judge us. We buy into the lie that God doesn’t love us because of things, experiences in our lives that we believe He is responsible for. “Why did he allow my loved one to die? Why did He allow this sickness, this accident, this detrimental experience, etc.? Obviously he either doesn’t love or care for me, or isn’t able to do anything about it. Based on these false believes we decided to live our lives for ourselves and disregard any desire to pursue a relationship with him. Sadly and Ironically, if God actually did give you what you wished, you still would not be satisfied and in fact would draw further away from him as opposed to move towards Him. When we acquire, maintain, desire things and experiences in our lives we only desire more of these things believing that these things are what we are desiring more of regardless of what we have actually acquired, maintained or gained more of in our lives. If you could change anything in your life or the lives of others this would not benefit you or them from a long-term perspective. God has already decreed the most perfect plan that maximizes all the temporal things that we desire for all eternity. The most important and significant attribute of God’s Holy, Sovereign, Perfect plan is that it maximizes the lives of those who love him and desire to be with him – enjoy Him, love Him, worship Him, long to be with Him in spite of the ever increasing longings, temptations, deceptions and entrapments that the world has to offer. 
God says it best when he says “What does it profit a man to gain the world, but lose his/her soul”. The answer is “NOTHING”!!!
We should all pursue the “eternity” that God has placed in our hearts. He desires to spend eternity with us and has orchestrated all the things in our lives before the foundation and creation of the world to make this so. If we pursue his plans, his eternal plans will continue to be manifested in our lives, however if we reject, disregard, work against or attempt to change his eternal plans, we continue to seal our fate of a life completely devoid of Him and all that He is for all of Eternity. His eternal plan for all of mankind individually has already been decreed. To ask him to change some temporal thing in our personal life is very presumptuous on our part because how could He improve on perfection (he has perfectly planned all the events, experiences in your life to ensure you spend eternity with him and not apart from him if you choose to pursue his plan for your life instead of creating one for yourself)? Also, we don’t realize the outcome of what we ask for and if we did we wouldn’t ask for it. God knows this which is why most of the time his answer to our prayers is NO! His answer is “No” because our prayer(s) is not in accordance to His sovereign, perfect, eternal will for our live in particular and the lives of mankind in general. God has NEVER NOT answered any prayer we address to Him. If it is in accordance to His perfect will, the answer is always “YES”. However, the timing, situation, or you may not be able to receive what you are requesting. If you pray in accordance to God’s will, and you are right, but the timing is wrong, God’s answer is “Slow” meaning the answer is “YES” but the timing is not in accordance to His sovereign, perfect will so he desires us to wait patiently and humbly on his perfect timing. If the timing is right but we are wrong (in motive or intentions), God desires for us is to Grow – become more spiritually mature so that we maximize the benefits and blessings of the request and not waste it because we were not prepared to receive it or. If we are right and the timing is right – both in accordance to His will, the answer will always be “YES” (GO). He desires us to share in the benefits of His Eternal, Sovereign plans for us that He has ordained to ensure that we grow into the perfect example of a child change by His Love, Power Grace in accordance to His Will. One thing to keep in mind, God answers the prayers of his children, those individuals who have decided to follow and seek after His will for their lives instead of their own. They have decided to not trust in their hearts, thoughts, feelings, understandings, but by faith place their trust in His Will for their lives and future. The way to become one of His children is to place your faith in the finished work of his Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus is the only way to obtain access to the father, because HE is the only provision that God has provided to make us completely acceptable in His eyes. As sinners by nature, our actions both good and bad cannot contribute anything on our behalf. Pursing good deeds and/or avoiding bad deeds have no Eternal benefit. God only accepts perfection and no human has ever been nor will ever be morally perfect. Jesus has always been and will always be morally perfect. Imagine If I walked up to a complete stranger and asked him to provide for me, meet my (immediate) needs - whatever they were at the time. If I was sincere and earnest in my request to this person, He still would not grant my request. Why, because he doesn’t know me. We do not share a relationship together and so there can be no fellowship. If my son were to ask me to provide for me dad, meet my needs – of course you know what my answer would be because he is my son. If you are not a child of God (He doesn’t recognize you as one of His children) you are a sinner in His eyes. The only prayer that He can answer for you (in accordance to His Sovereign, Righteous, Perfect, Just will) is the “Sinner’s Prayer” for salvation and relationship with him by trusting in the finished work of His Son, Jesus Christ. If God required you to leap over the Grand Canyon as a requirement for salvation, would you start a rigorous training program to help you accomplish this task? No matter what training program you pursued or how long you pursued it, you would never be able to leap over the expanse of the Grand Canyon. You would simply have to fall at his feet and depend on his mercy and grace… humbly admitting to him that you are not able to comply with His request. Once you humbly decided to do this he would proclaim that someone has already completed this task on your behalf and you need to trust in, place your faith in the finished work of this person to gain acceptance in the eyes of God. Which would you prefer the futile training program or the finished work of Jesus Christ? I chose Jesus Christ and have not doubted my decision for over 25 years of deciding to be one of his humble followers. I would advice all others to do the same. As far as I am concerned this is the only logical option. There are no other viable options (really). But I know the majority of the people (due to pride) will continue to pursue other option or no options (simply live for themselves), but at what cost, at what loss? Consider the things that I have shared… May God continue to richly bless you, provide his Grace, Love and Peace to you as you come into the knowledge of His precious TRUTH!! – AMEN

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful blessing to hear (see) your words. I will so miss hearing them but am SO grateful to read them my dear beautiful friend.
