Sunday, October 5, 2014

Grace : Much More than We coud wish for or desire...Much MORE than We could EVER deserve!!

Grace!! - More than we deserve, Greater than we could Ever Imagine!!   It has been made available  to us  all through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as Lord and Personal Savior. So many religions are based on performance - the good we do, the bad we don't do or hopefully don't do more than the good that we do. There are No guarantees associated with attempting to live a good life and avoiding doing bad things. How many good things are required? What is the minimum amount of bad things that a person can do, act on, or commit and still maintain acceptance by the god, metaphysical persona, philosophy, religious edicts that you believe? If Hell really is true and you are your death bed, how confident are you that you will not enter there for all Eternity? However, if HELL doesn't exist, breathe a sigh of relief because nothing I am saying matters. 

Of course, I share the opinion of the Bible, Jesus Christ that Hell does exist. I don't think anyone can read the 4 Gospels of the New Testament and come to the conclusion that there is no Hell to be concerned about. Just live your life to the best of your ability and all will be well after you die. The sad truth is no one can live their life to the best of their ability. We all can conceive of a better life live by ourselves, we choose to live less than our potential for selfish, prideful, comparative, illogical, and non-beneficial reasons. We actually what we should do and choose not to do so. We know what we shouldn't but not only do these things but actually plan out ways to manipulate, deceive, cheat, and abuse others in order to do and get what we want. Yet, we have convinced ourselves that we can do all these things with NO consequences after death. 

No matter how we chose to live our lives, we will all suffer no detrimental consequences. We will either have a chance to do it all over or we will simply cease to exist. These two beliefs are gaining popularity over the existence of Hell and rightfully so. After all, who really wants to ponder the possibility of burning in anguish, pain, torment and suffering beyond anyone's imagination without any relief for all Eternity? Is Eternal judgment an adequate consequence for finite wrong doing? Most people believe that God created Hell to get back at people who choose not to live for Him. That is not the case. Hell was created for Satan and his demonic angels who choose to serve him and do his bidding as opposed to submitting to God and His will. Satan and his demons will suffer for all Eternity because of their sin of pride and unwillingness to submit to God's authority. Hell was not created for humans, but many humans by not choosing to live for God or submit to His authority will find themselves in the eternal dwelling place of Satan and his demonic angels. What a sad reality if anyone experiences it. The bible indicates that far more than not will experience this reality after death. For those of us who know that God exist and desire to submit our will and give our lives to Him, He offers us His Unconditional Love and Grace. Can you imagine a love born in the heart of person that does not consider the performance, works, acceptability, worthiness or even the response of the person that it is directed towards?   

This is the Love that God has for all of us. Even though, His love is unconditional and lavishly bestowed on us regardless of what we choose to do or not do, It cannot save us from Eternal Damnation in Hell. God loves all souls, even those who choose NOT to believe in Him, redefine Him for their own purposes and selfish desires or HATE Him for not giving them the life they desired to have or taking something or someone from them prematurely, unfairly, or without good reason in their opinion. Regardless of your personal beliefs about or in God, He loves you, unconditionally, lavishly, and without end. He also desires the very best for you, but He doesn't have a short sighted perspective when it comes to desiring the very best for you. He desires the very best for you from an eternal perspective. He chooses not to deprive someone or anyone of their right to exercise their free will to maximize your experience on earth and vice versa. No one really cares about how their poor, immoral, lifestyle choices impact others ability to pursue life to the fullest. In fact, we definitely desire mercy and grace for all of our poor, selfish, immoral choices, but would condemn someone else exercising those same freedoms. 

We are ALL hypocrites to some extent. In spite of our personal hypocrisy, God still and always will love us. His love for us is based solely on who He is and not who we are nor what we do or don't do. Whether we end up in Heaven with Him for all Eternity and separate from Him for all Eternity, His love for us remains constant. God knew all the horrible atrocities that mankind would commit against themselves and others (innocent & guilty). 

Even though He knew, knows, and will continue to know everything we will ever do, both good and bad, He said for all times - That "I So LOVE the world that anyone and everyone who is born on earth, I am giving my ONLY Born Son so that they may Have real, true LIFE through Me and what I am able to do through, with and for them. What an amazing Fact!!! Is it true? Do you believe that it is true? The fact that this is true is the reason I made the statement - Grace- More than we could ever deserve, Greater than we could or would have ever expected!!! May God's Grace, Love, and Peace be ever present with you in this life and in the one to come - AMEN!! Make it a great Day! No one knows how many more we are all graced with before we enter our eternal dwelling place. Hope you choose to join the "very few", plane your faith in Jesus Christ, accept His grace and live for him on earth through His power and by that same power live with him for all eternity in Heaven.

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