Sunday, October 5, 2014


HE IS RISEN!!!!! .........HE IS RiSEN, INDEED!!!
I wonder how people who have chosen not to believe in the life, crucificition, death, burial, resurrection, and bringer of LIFE to all who ask, feel about Easter or more appropriately RESURRECTION Sunday. Do they beleive that this is the day that a lot of mistaken, confused, simple-minded, deceived or just simply wrong individuals celebrate and remember an event that never happened. What didn't happent? Do they really believe that Jesus was never born so all the rest isn't true and just xomething made up by some decptive men. Do they believe that if He was born, He wasn't crucified or He really didn't die and certainly could not have resurrected from the dead. What is the alternative belief and what makes it so attractive? Wny have some many people chosen not to believe in the life, crucifiction, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ and has chosen to believe in or place thier faith in something else? Apart from Christ, you are on your own. 

You must cross-your fingers and hope that your good acts on earth are more acknowledge and acceptable to God than your bad works those known and unknown. How many good works do you have to perform to atone for all the bad choices, words, and activiities that we ALL are guilty before God for? There is a section of society who has chosen to become athiest or Anti-theist (haters of God who active work to promote Atheism and demote deism of any kind). These people simply choose to life life with no concern or consideration of anything spiritual or supernatural. They beleive they cam from non-life and willl return to non-life and that will be the end... they will simply cease to exist. Regardless of what they did good or badk will never be recognized after death and will basically be irrelavant. They could live a horrible life filled with deception, dishonest, stealing things from others, cheating people out of things, abusing and misusing people, abusing and misusing thier own bodies, etc. and simply die and just cease to exist. 

They could also do the exact opposite or at least strive to do the opposite, they could choose to not harm anything..though there isn't really a way to manifest this desire, but the pursue it anyway. They may decide to respect life, pursue and strive to do good to all wo/men, but this really isn't realiistic either. They will also make choices, say words, and partcipate in activites that are exqually as heinous as those who chose to live for themselves and do what ever they wanted to. It will make no difference because they are both are just going to simply cease to esist after death. No acknowledge for how they lived by anyone.. so how they lived really doesn't matter. Regardless of wether they benefited or cheated people on earth... what difference will it really matter if all basically cease to exist after the death? Some atheist believe that since this the case they must make the most out of the finite life that they get to live on earth. But how can you really do that with the believe that you came from nothing, your life from an eternal perspective means nothing and you are destined to become and go to nothing, but nothing really matters if your end is non-existence. What does it matter if you had money, experienced happiness, joy, fulfillment, purpose, meaning, goals, objectives if in the end you simply cease to eixst?... 

Anyway, God is pursuing all on the Earth offering them Eternal life with Him in Heaven regardless of how you lived or what you did. This can only be accomplished throuh placing your faith in Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the only person who has ever lived who lived a life pleasing and acceptable to God. God acknowledged this by raising him from the dead and seating Him on high on the right side of His Thrown. No one esle even claims to have received ths honor. Jesus is both Lord and Savior of the world. He is the only Lord and Savior of the world. God will pursue you to the edge of Hell offering Jesus as your Lord and Personal Savior the only means by which you can deemed acceptable to the Father regardless of your sinfull state regardles of how many good works you perform... it won't be enough to make you acceptable in the eyes of God. When you are at the edge of Hell at the end of your life, there He, Jesus Christ will be waiting on you with open arms of Love, acceptance, understanding, compassion, grace (read the encouter of the prodigal son in the gospels, if you want vivid picture of the love and acceptance that God has towards you because of the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross). 

Anyway, will you choose to descend into Hell and suffer eternal torment, torture, terror, gnashing of teeth, thrashing of body, tearing of flesh, trashing of soul for all eternity? Actually it will be much worse than this... know one can even fathom how HELLISH HELL is actuall going to be.., but anyway would choose this descent over humbly falling in the arms of Jesus and accepting His free gift of Life, Power, Grace, Redemptiong, atonement, Peace with God becauase of and through his Great love for you (read the encounter of the rich yourng ruler in the gospels)?
This is the question that we must ALL answer for ourselves...No one is responsible for your escape from HELL, but you. You must make decision for yourself regardless of the choices of those around you.. There is far too much at stake. You will not be consoled at all if choose to make the decision that many will make and plunge into Hell for all Eternity, by the grace of God choose Life in Jesus Christ instead. 

On the other hand you simply say well Hell doesn't exist so there is not choice to be made. You more than likely would breathe a sigh of relief on go on with your pointless life, but what if you are WRONG!!! What if Hell does in fact exist are you willing to chance Eternal damnation, torment, etc.? If you are, well live your life to the fullest... eat, drink, experience, indulge, consume, acquire, accumulate as much as you can during your finite stay on earth, because in the end regardless of whether you simply cease to exist after you die or descent into HELL for all eternity... you would have lived a wasted, pointless, meaningless life and received absolutely nothing for it in the end. I would humbly and serioulsly encourage you to investigate this Jesus Christ - his birth, life, false judgement and trial, crucifiction, death, burial, resurrection, and His claim to Today be the Giver of real Life that enables you to live for all eternity with His father in Heaven when your journey on earth comes to an end. HE truly is RISEN!!!! He is RISEN INDEED!!! Happy RESURRECTION SUNDAY!!!! Peace to your and yours by the Grace and Love of Jesus Chrsit on this blessed day. 

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