Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Pure Sex in Marriage - Does the bible acknowledge the Boyfriend/Girlfriend Relationship?

1 Thessalonians 4:5-7: Don’t let your sexual desires control you like the people who don’t know God. 6 Never wrong any of your fellow believers or cheat them in this way. The Lord will punish those who do that. We have already told you this and warned you about it. 7 God chose us to be holy. He does not want us to live in sin. (ERV)

Hebrews 13:4: Marriage should be honored by everyone. And every marriage should be kept pure between husband and wife. God will judge guilty those who commit sexual sins and adultery. (ERV)

How does one practically apply these verses to their many relationships and acquaintances?  The Bible teaches that there are basically 3 kinds of relationships: familial (blood related), relational (neighbors), and marital (husband or wife).   The Bible does not recognize or acknowledge the very common and popular dating (boyfriend/girlfriend) relationship.   This is a nebulous coupling that is difficult to define or establish boundaries, guidelines, and standards for.   How can you distinguish your boyfriend/girlfriend from your neighbor?  Is there any distinction according to the Bible.  Th is is why people who are involved in a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship get in so much trouble with regard to not defrauding each other and keeping their future marriage beds from defilement.   Many couples currently involved in a dating relationship really don't consider whether or not they are defrauding their dating partner or defiling their future marriage bed.  They are simply living in the present and focused on selfishly enjoying their dating partner.  They are indifferent to, not interested in knowing, or don't really care about the ramifications, consequences associated with participating and the plethora of physical activities that are indicative of most if not all dating relationships.  They are too busy enjoying the benefits of these relationships.  I am amazed of how many girls and women give themselves fully to someone that they don't end up marrying and then repeat this behavior with several other partners leading up to the “one” that they eventually end up marrying.  Of course this is true for guys also, but they think of this a bit differently than the typical girl/woman.   I believe that the average male really isn't bothered with their sexual conquest not ending in marriage.  They are mainly looking for selfish enjoyment apart from commitment and they aren't even considering marriage.  Most guys struggle with monogamy because they are controlled by their selfish desire for personal pleasure.   It amazes me that even knowing this – that the current relationship is not going to end in marriage and in fact their current dating partner will having difficulty remaining faithful, still have no problem or reservations giving these guys their most prized and intimate possessions. … Things that should be exclusively reserved for their future spouses(husband/wife) (pre & post the marriage ceremony).  So many women these days believe if they are willing to sleep with their boyfriends, they will eventually want to live together and after living together for a period of time, that the relationship will end in marriage.  These women are so deceived.  I also believe that most women simply settle.   They are tired of being alone and not having anyone to share their lives or meet their needs for feeling special, wanted, beautiful, etc., they simply settle for Mr. right now and give themselves fully to him in exchange for the possibility of getting their selfish needs met.  Women tend to dress differently to attract the attention and interest that their soul's long for.   They see other women getting attention, compliments, etc. from men and notice how they dress and carry themselves and decide their only alternative is to do the same.  How sad. :(.  What benefit is actually gained from a guy or guys that are complementing you on how your body looks or because they want to selfishly indulge in your body will tell you anything?  The ONLY way to gauge how a man really cares for you, respects you, desires to pursue you in a courting relationship is to refrain completely and totally from any physical contact whatsoever.  In fact, if you are not comfortable doing what he desires with your biological brother or father, you should not do it with him.  This is how you ensure that you nor he will be defrauded and your your mutual marriage beds will be free from defilement even if you both end up marrying one another.  It is NOT wise, beneficial or practical to indulge physically with anyone including your future spouse prior to marriage.  So many people today in the Christian community are living together with their boyfriends/fiances and really don't understand  that they are sowing seeds that will ensure a difficult future marriage.   How could they think or believe    that by choosing this lifestyle that they could maximize the blessings of any future marriage.  Physical relationships have a tendency to deceive the persons involved in them.   God has graciously designed us to desire, crave, and even lust for our sexual partner.  He intended this for a lifelong partner.   He also did not desire for anyone to indulge in physical activities outside of a marriage relationship.  He desired for us to have sexual relations with one person and He placed a mutual desire, attraction for marital partners to protect them from the sinful desires of the flesh that desire what it wants, when it wants, who it wants, for as long as it wants. Anytime a person inters a physical relationship with anyone else it is a counterfeit marriage, but your body responds as if you were actually married and initiates a bond or glue between you and your partner.  Usually these relationships do not end in marriage so you basically have to work against God's plan to seal the two together because you have made the sealing process counterfeit.  This repetitive sealing and unsealing is very counterproductive and detrimental to both partners and the success of their eventual marriage relationships.  This, in fact is the reason why there is so much divorce in the Christian community because both males and females have become so comfortable and familiar with discontinuing the sealing process that God graciously initiates after marriage.   They enter the marriage relationship with  selfish desires that they expect their marriage partner to satisfy and fulfill as their many sexual partners did prior to marriage and if this is not achievable, both partners are prone and susceptible and have no problem looking elsewhere to get their selfish needs meet or satisfied.  Again, how sad :( - not in accordance to plan,, will, or purpose of God for either of them.  The physical hormones and chemical that are released during sexual intimacy are intended to make both partners feel desired, attractive, special appreciated honored in the eyes of their partner, exclusively.  However, when you give yourself to multiple partners or an uncommitted partner the chemicals and hormones have different affect because there is not trust, commitment or mutual unselfishness involved with these relationships.  Women usually feel unattractive, dirty, and used after giving themselves to someone if they know that their partner can't be trusted and is not committed to the relationship, but as stated earlier they settle for these relationships as opposed to not having any relationship at all.  They either try to convince their partner to remain loyal or break up with them and look for someone else to meet their selfish needs and desires.  It is impossible for partners not  to selfishly use one another if their relationship is outside of a marital relationship.  Not sure why so many Christians who have planned to marry (have even set a wedding date and sent out the invitations) or have recently started dating after enduring the finalizing of a divorce have not problem indulge in physical intimacy with their partner.  They have convinced themselves that under these circumstances that physical intimacy is OK and acceptable.   Or even if they don't feel this way, they still indulge because they don't think they are strong enough to abstain completely from any physical contact that so easily defrauds their partner.  Their bodies have become used to such activities in the case of a post divorce or is incredibly inclined to compromise in the case of an engaged couple.  If only both partners in either these relationships realize the apparent detriment of any future marriage relationship.  However they are usually blinded by their immediate selfish desires and not really to concerned with the future implications of their choices or decisions.   Also, they see so many other couples indulging in the very things that they are indulge in and also professing to be Christians. 

Women are so influenced by words.  I believe there is both a chemical and emotional response in women after hearing words from men.  Men quickly learn this and become experts at saying what they know women want to hear to get what they want from them.  Words like “I love You”, “ I want to show  you how special you are to me”, “I can see us married in a couple of years”, “You are the one for me”, “I want you to meet my mother”, “You are so beautiful”,  “I am so attracted to you sexually”, etc.  Why do these words have so much power over women?   Women should realize these are just carefully crafted lines to get them give up their most prized possessions that is and should be reserved, preserved, and conserved for their husband on their marriage night and not any time before or with anyone else afterward.   I could talk about this all day, but I will instead recommend an excellent resource that all Christians of all ages (12-99+) should read - “Sex, Dating, and Relationships” by Gerald Hiestand and Jay S. Thomas.   This is an essential and necessary read for all Christians.  Thank You and God Bless... May God give you the strength, grace and wisdom to keep your pure or begin keeping yourself pure until you find yourself in a committed marriage relationship. AMEN!!!

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